Nijmegen, 23 September 1941 Letter to the Most Reverend Archbishop etc. Carmel, Nijmegen, 23 September 1941.[1] Aan Hunne Hoogwaardige Excellenties den Aartsbisschop en deRead More
Critical edition – Titus Brandsma Institute Nijmegen
Nijmegen, 23 September 1941 Letter to the Most Reverend Archbishop etc. Carmel, Nijmegen, 23 September 1941.[1] Aan Hunne Hoogwaardige Excellenties den Aartsbisschop en deRead More
Comment (English) on the written defence ‘Waarom verzet…‘ by Gerrit Steunebrink The last piece of writing of Titus Brandsma Gerrit Steunebrink[1] Titus Brandsma’sRead More
English translation of the written defence ‘Waarom verzet ….’ by Susan Verkerk-Wheatley / Anne-Marie Bos Why do the Dutch people, especially the Catholic people,Read More