Reverendissimo (Liber Amicorum)

Portuguese translation of ‘Reverendissimo (Liber Amicorum)‘ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren   Reverendissimo (Liber Amicorum) [1] Reverendíssimo, Dos cinquenta anos de vidaRead More

Na Górę Krzyża

Polish translation of ‘Naar den Kruisberg’ by Marcin W. Polkowski   Na Górę Krzyża [1] Czas Wielkiego Postu prowadzi nas powolnymi krokami na Golgotę. PodróżRead More

Swobodna i metodyczna modlitwa

Polish translation of ‘Vrij en methodisch Gebed‘ by Marcin W. Polkowski   Swobodna i metodyczna modlitwa [1] Niderlandy bywają określane mianem kraju metodycznej modlitwy. UważaRead More

Paz e Amor à Paz

Portuguese translation of ‘Vrede en vredelievendheid‘ by Bruno C. Schröder Paz e Amor à Paz [1] Autoridades civis e espirituais altamente respeitadas da cidade deRead More

A pergunta, na qual

Portuguese translation of ‘De vraag, waarin‘ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren   [1] A pergunta se o ponto alto da vida místicaRead More

Każdy dzień Bożym Narodzeniem

Polish translation of ‘Kerstmis alle dagen‘ by Marcin W. Polkowski   Każdy dzień Bożym Narodzeniem [1] Czy istnieje piękniejsza uroczystość dla serca kochającego Jezusa niżRead More

A Estrela da Manhã

Portuguese translation of the poem ‘De Morgenster’ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren     A Estrela da Manhã [1]   Eis queRead More

Oração à Maria

Portuguese translation of the poem ‘Bede tot Maria’ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren     Oração à Maria Na qual São SimãoRead More

A Flor de Maio

Portuguese translation of the poem ‘Het Bloempje van den Mei’ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren     A Flor de Maio [1]Read More

Paz e amor à paz

Portuguese translation of ‘Vrede en vredelievendheid [1932]’ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren   Paz e amor à paz [1]   Amor àRead More

Um sofrimento

Portuguese translation of the poem ‘Een leed’ by Bruno Castro Schröder / Ludovicus Barbara Mooren     Um sofrimento [1]   Outra vez um sofrimento[2]Read More

Friezen, omhoog

Dutch translation of Friezen, omheech by Jan K.H. van der Meer   Friezen, omhoog [1] In ons lage Friese land, op het weiland vooral, kennen wijRead More

De Friese Almanak

Dutch translation of De Fryske Almenak by Jan K.H. van der Meer   De Friese Almanak [1] Het stond al lange tijd te gebeuren, maarRead More

Tot besluit nog

Dutch translation of  Ta bislút noch by Jan K.H. van der Meer   [1] Tot besluit nog een enkel woordje over Dokkum en Bonifatius. IkRead More

En la solemne vestición

Spanish translation of ‘Bij de plechtige Inkleeding‘ by Miguel Norbert Ubarri, T.Carm.   En la solemne vestición y profesión en la Orden Tercera del CarmeloRead More

Missieliefde in Friesland

Dutch translation of Missy-ljeafde yn Fryslân by Jan K.H. van der Meer   Missieliefde in Friesland [1] Op de Missietentoonstellingen en andere gelegenheden waarop hetRead More

Mary’s motherhood of God

English translation of ‘Maria’s moederschap van God’  by Maurits Sinninghe Damsté   Mary’s motherhood of God, leading idea in the mystical life By Prof. Dr.Read More

Roomse Blijdschap

Dutch translation of ‘Roomske Blydskip‘ by Jan K.H. van der Meer   Roomse Blijdschap [1] Het is zo troosteloos in de wereld. Er wordt geklaagdRead More

Paz y amor a la paz

Spanish translation of ‘Vrede en vredelievendheid‘ by Miguel Norbert Ubarri, T.Carm.   Vrede en vredelievendheid – ´Paz y amor a la paz´ Discurso impartido enRead More

The Richness of Pentecost

English translation of ‘Pinksterweelde‘ by Rolf Nepi Willemsen, O.Carm.   The Richness of Pentecost [1] Solemnity. Totus in orbe terrarum mundus exultat, sed et supernaeRead More

Fragments Geert Grote

English translation of fragments of ‘Geert Groote’ by Susan Verkerk-Wheatley / Anne-Marie Bos   Geert Grote (fragments) [1] I His name still points to aRead More

Why do the Dutch people…

English translation of the written defence ‘Waarom verzet ….’ by Susan Verkerk-Wheatley / Anne-Marie Bos   Why do the Dutch people, especially the Catholic people,Read More

O Jesus

English translation of the poem ‘O Jezus’ by Susan Verkerk-Wheatley / Anne-Marie Bos   Before the image of Jesus In prison 12/13 Feb. 1942  Read More